About Dorset Mac Support [aka David Churchill]

With over 30 years experience I have been using an Apple Mac in a number of different jobs and industries, from Print and Design, Photography, Website Design and IT.

The first Macintosh I used was the Mac Plus back in 1989. Booting from a floppy disk and running System 6! Since then I have used almost every model laptop, desktop and more recently the iPhone and iPads.

Over the years I have helped people and businesses with their Macs — from basic support, upgrades and repairs to software training and troubleshooting.

I started Purbeck Mac Support in 2008 when I moved back to Dorset and renamed the business in 2019 to Dorset Mac Support to make it clearer that I offer support throughout the whole of Dorset.

I am more than happy to discuss any Mac related questions and offer free consultations.

Telephone: 07932 014218
Email: info@dorsetmacsupport.com

Based on 4 reviews
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Tony Kerins
14:12 29 Oct 23
When David is solving my computer problems or advising on a course of action, I always feel confident that he has the knowledge and experience to provide the best possible answer.
Peter Booth
13:12 29 Oct 23
David is an absolute mine of help and information about Apple devices. A session by phone or a home visit has always solved any problem and taught me some more about my iMac.
Keith Cranfield
10:21 29 Oct 23
I have used Dorset Mac Support on several occasions and I have found the service I have received from David to be extremely professional. David has an exceptional knowledge on how Mac's work and was able to fix my problems with my mail on my Mac as well as give me guidance as to how to improve my Mac's operating system. I would highly recommend the services of Dorset Mac Support.
Frances Walshaw
20:39 28 Oct 23
David always gives help over the phone but will come round to the house to help if !