About Dorset Mac Support [aka David Churchill]

With over 30 years experience I have been using an Apple Mac in a number of different jobs and industries, from Print and Design, Photography, Website Design and IT.
The first Macintosh I used was the Mac Plus back in 1989. Booting from a floppy disk and running System 6! Since then I have used almost every model laptop, desktop and more recently the iPhone and iPads.
Over the years I have helped people and businesses with their Macs — from basic support, upgrades and repairs to software training and troubleshooting.
I started Purbeck Mac Support in 2008 when I moved back to Dorset and renamed the business in 2019 to Dorset Mac Support to make it clearer that I offer support throughout the whole of Dorset.
I am more than happy to discuss any Mac related questions and offer free consultations.
Telephone: 07932 014218
Email: info@dorsetmacsupport.com